New & Seasoned: Branding Senior Living Communities—Part 1
I always jump at the chance to work on a branding project for a brand-new senior living community. Of course, the logos, colors, and designs are all part of the excitement. But the real opportunity is...
New & Seasoned: Branding Senior Living Communities—Part 2
I’m sure most of us will agree that we all need a refresh every now and then. Sometimes that means a new hairstyle or an updated wardrobe. Sometimes it’s a change of scenery to a new...
Email Marketing Metrics & What They Mean For Your Senior Living Community’s Emails
Is your senior living community one of the many beginning to test email marketing in a digital-oriented world? This is a great first step in exploring all of the many ways emails can help you nurture...
3 Overlooked Discovery Questions You Aren’t Asking But Should Be [+Tips!]
Launching into a sales pitch without proper discovery is like throwing your selling points against the wall and hoping something sticks. Because each aging adult has different needs and wants, this will never be an effective...
Direct Mail Elements To Consider For a Successful Campaign
The formula behind a successful direct mail campaign can’t be replicated for every unique mailer. But with careful consideration of each of the following direct mail elements, you’re that much closer to a successful recipe. Though,...
7 Benefits Of Working With An Agency With Senior Living Expertise
We’re often asked, “what’s the benefit of partnering with an agency with senior living expertise rather than a local agency that is familiar with the area?” A brief look back at the creation of Angell Marketing...
The Value Of (Re-)Investing In A Dynamic Website
There’s a common misconception about websites: once they’re developed, they’re done. However, a website is not static; it’s ever-evolving and changing to meet the many needs of a community. It may seem like investing (and re-investing)...
How Can Senior Living Communities Benefit From Online Reputation Management?
Curating the right brand image for when seniors and their adult children search your community is necessary for holistic marketing success. While much of the internet is out of our everyday control, there are strategies to...
4 Ways To Digitally Market To Seniors During COVID-19
Keeping communications open with seniors during this pandemic is a new challenge facing senior living communities. With traditional on-site avenues no longer an option during COVID-19, it’s become necessary to shift focus. Specifically, an emphasis on...
How Can The Senior Living Industry Meet The Needs & Expectations Of Baby Boomers?
About 50 million people in the baby boomer generation are entering, or will soon enter, into their “golden years” of retirement. As this new generation moves closer to retirement each year, what are they expecting for...